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ryan james yezak > ke$ha

Is it bad that I've watched this six times in the last seventeen hours? Officially. Obsessed.

P.S - Notice the tights that are not actually tights. Painted legs are so much better than jeggings.
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A nice acrostic poem for you about things that I'm thankful for...

T oilets that don't spit water everywhere
H ats that are actually beanies
A rthur and D.W
N ew, clean sheets
K itchens
S harp Family, The
G rfuffle (as a verb)
I nability to stop eating pomegranate seeds
V enting sessions
I s it possible to come up with two "I" words?
N elly
G anesh

Happy Black Friday, everyone!

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So much better than definite integrals right now.
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asher roth eating applesauce

Watch it, if you dare. This kid is too much to even comprehend. Extremely disgusting on a scale of 1 to Gross.

But in all seriousness...kids, never make drug-smoothies. I will forever be disappointed in you. Stick to strawberries and mangoes.
My Zimbio