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our spring was wonderful, but summer's over.

brite futures (npsh) - sophisticated side ponytail from thatgo on Vimeo.

On a completely different note -

Tout simplement génial.

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christmas came early.

And no, not just because I chose to open a package the other day that contained my new phone case.

It is pretty cool looking, though.

Christmas didn't come early in the "physical" sense. Usually by this time of the year, my family has the tree all set-up. We've put our little electric candles in all of our front windows. We've hung the large ornaments outside among various tress along our driveway. Right now, for the most part, our house looks just like it does during the rest of the year - sans the front door wreath, the giant Santa face on the mantel, and the absurd number of cardboard boxes that have accumulated in the foyer. Since Mom broke her leg, Christmas has come in the form of fredflare.com, Restoration Hardware, Bags Unlmtd., and other websites - online shopping has, yet again, proven to be the next greatest miracle since Jesus Christ.

I used to be a sucker for the surprise of Christmas morning (okay, yeah, every child is...blah blah blah cliché, KT, blah blah blah). I sometimes asked for the occasional American Girl doll, or iPod, or strange movie/book. I always looked forward, though, to the surprises my parents would leave on the stairs. These were usually unwrapped gifts that were cleverly arranged in little piles along the bottom five steps - socks, keychains, 20 questions games, etc. Quirky little things. And they were always the best gifts. They were things I never thought of asking for, but they were always things that I would end up using more than the things I had actually put on my "list". Now, anyone who knows me knows that my memory pretty much sucks. This is another way to gauge how important/life-changing something is for me - if I am able to remember the age I was when it happened.

I received a record player and my first Simon & Garfunkel vinyl when I was eleven years old. I literally danced to "Mrs. Robinson" all of Christmas day.

I never even expected to receive something as strange as a record player when I was eleven, though. Over the years, I came to love and trust my parents even more in their ability to pick out things I would enjoy. A "list" became a foreign concept to me. When my mom asked me what I wanted this year, I simply replied "Surprise me. Oh, and new jeans" (I managed to bust a nice, large 7-inch tear along the back left pocket of my TRs while pop, lock, and dropping).

But this year, the surprise factor has faded a little. When I came home from college last Sunday, I arrived before my parents. I walked into the kitchen only to find 83475978 cardboard boxes and as I moved them all to the front hallway, I saw the return labels of each and every one. I knew that some of these boxes contained the unwrapped gifts my parents would put on the stairs in a few weeks - these were the surprises I got all excited about. Seeing the places they came from didn't make me quite as curious to what they were. Oddly enough, it made me even more thankful. My mom broke her fibula back in October and hasn't been able to walk since. Yet, here she is, making this huge and admirable effort to continue on with Christmas just like it has been in the past.

So here comes the sappy, heartfelt, "I finally understand the true meaning of Christmas" part. Are you prepared? Kleenex ready in hand? Good.

I guess Mom still managed to surprise me this year. No, there's no Christmas tree covered with Hallmark ornaments in the front hall and honestly, it couldn't physically feel less like "Christmastime" in this household. But right now, that Christmas-y red and green feeling doesn't matter so much to me. Knowing that my mom, with her circumstances, has tried so hard these last few weeks between Thanksgiving and winter break to create a Christmas just like any other honestly means more to me than any UO sweater or cell phone case. She has gone out of her way to keep calm, and carry on.

Mom - you're the best. And as you graduate to crutches this week, I'm here to walk with you. Even if it takes you 10x as long to get from the kitchen to the sofa in the family room, I will slow my pace to match yours. YOU = THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS.


Best wishes to all for a safe and happy holiday.

* cue Silver Bells *

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grand illumination

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ryan james yezak > ke$ha

Is it bad that I've watched this six times in the last seventeen hours? Officially. Obsessed.

P.S - Notice the tights that are not actually tights. Painted legs are so much better than jeggings.
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A nice acrostic poem for you about things that I'm thankful for...

T oilets that don't spit water everywhere
H ats that are actually beanies
A rthur and D.W
N ew, clean sheets
K itchens
S harp Family, The
G rfuffle (as a verb)
I nability to stop eating pomegranate seeds
V enting sessions
I s it possible to come up with two "I" words?
N elly
G anesh

Happy Black Friday, everyone!

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So much better than definite integrals right now.
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asher roth eating applesauce

Watch it, if you dare. This kid is too much to even comprehend. Extremely disgusting on a scale of 1 to Gross.

But in all seriousness...kids, never make drug-smoothies. I will forever be disappointed in you. Stick to strawberries and mangoes.
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Tonight, I'm a panda.

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Willow Smith ft. Nicki Minaj - Whip My Hair (Remix) by Aces Full Entertainment

Hmmmmmmmmmm...Nicki. Maybe let 9-year-old Willow do her thing?

On a side note, steampunk jewelry is my new obsession. Learn more about it here .

I got this necklace at an arts and crafts fair when I went back home for break a few weeks ago. Kinda like Benjamin Button meets girly-machinery-stuff. That's the best way I can describe it.
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Still don't know how I feel after watching this. Personally, I enjoy Lizzie, Miranda and Gordon a lot more. Duff as a suicidal teenager is hard to grasp when you grew up watching her on Disney, but she does a pretty good job in her role.

THROWBACK. I miss it!
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75 and sunny

Simple post.

Couldn't have asked for a nicer day.

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dog days are over


I was fairly excited to find out Aaron Johnson from Kick-Ass plays a young Lennon in the (semi)new Nowhere Boy movie. And then I found out he's engaged to the 43-year-old filmmaker. And they recently had a daughter in July. The 23-year age gap doesn't make you quite so kick-ass anymore, Johnson. But you get some cred back for thinking 99 problems is one of the most genius songs to ever exist.

ON JAY-Z: I think one of the best videos I’ve ever seen on MTV is “99 Problems.” I was younger when it came out, and whenever I saw it, I was like, this is a fucking tune! “I got 99 problems but a bitch ain’t one!” That was one of the first music videos I’d ever seen.

Meanwhile, Mom brought down the Nikon D70s this weekend.

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p.s - this too

play it with "drop the world" and it's pretty freaking impressive.
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crystal castles and pinot noir flavored chapstick sent from mom make rainy days a lot more tolerable.

marginal utility and elasticity of demand only make the rain come down harder. LOVE IT.

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Is takeout the death of me?

It's 11:30 and I'm starving. No one has texted back about going to The Caf for lunch...and my stomach is slowly starting to eat itself alive. That's it. I've decided. I'm getting takeout. I am officially a friendless loser.

One of my biggest fears is eating alone. It's weird because I usually like to do things on my own - driving, studying, exercising (when necessary), sleeping, etc. But eating...that's a different story. I ate alone for the first time a few weeks ago after my film class. I pretty much looked through my phone the entire time to make it seem like I was important and had a bunch of texts to send to ALL OF MY FRIENDS. Not the case. I read through my junk email and only texted my mom. It was a successful afternoon.

Since then, I've become used to sitting by myself. At first, I ate quickly so I could walk back to my dorm and be alone by myself without people actually witnessing me being alone. It's gotten better over the last few weeks - I'm not stuffing my face quite so much and I've learned to pace myself. And hey, there's other people eating alone. I'm not the only one. Katie, you're fine. This isn't high school. You're not sitting at a big empty table by yourself with a bologna sandwich like in 5th grade. People here are always busy. Of course you're going to have to eat alone every once in a while.

So, I got takeout today, like I said. Don't get me wrong...there's nothing bad about takeout. It's nice to eat in your room sometimes. But as I walked around The Caf with my recycled white takeout box, I couldn't help but notice the other kids walking around with their white takeout boxes. It's like I shared some special connection with those kids. We were mutually eating alone. We awkwardly circled around The Caf looking for different things to fill up our boxes with. For me, it was anything that was a carb. That is all I eat here. Carbs. I haven't had a fruit in like, 2 1/2 weeks.

Anyways, eating alone isn't that bad. Even though my white takeout box may be a physical reminder to the kids dining at 11:30 that I don't have any friends at lunchtime, it doesn't matter. Because once I was done eating alone in my room, my friend came up and surprised me with his takeout box full of "really, really good chicken". Oh, and my roommate came back and started dancing to the Lion King. What a TWAMP.

At least the hummus was good.
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iPhone 4

Having a dedicated Apple-lover father can have its benefits. On the 24th, Apple released its fancy new iPhone - we pre-ordered it and picked it up yesterday. Unfortunately, this meant I would need to switch to AT&T. Verizon, we had a good long run and I will miss you.

However, I've been playing with the iPhone nonstop. FaceTime is pretty straight. Used it in the Apple store today and called up my Dad to ask him a question about phone cases. Needless to say, I felt too much in the future because I have yet to see anyone else with one. Downloaded a few new apps, like iMovie and this neat one called Hipstamatic (http://hipstamaticapp.com/). Here's a few I took in the wee hours of the morning when I was messing around with it (with the exception of my dad at dinner).

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toilets and thunderstorms

the cutest scared thing ever.

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a vid, yo

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A blog is...

...something I don't know how to start. So, this is the start. First post. Here goes nuffin.

My Zimbio